Junior Leader Training written for Troop 354 and used by us for more than 6 years.  We alternate this every other year with the BSA Junior Leader Training.  I feel this is a superior product.  There are a number of attachments and hand outs that go along with it.  Some of the information was garnered from leadership seminars, some from White Stag and other scouting resources.

Junior Leader Training should be offered to scouts at least once a year.  As we tell our scouts, a teacher doesn’t stop learning once they get their teaching certificate, a fireman still practices putting out fires and a policeman still practices shooting his weapon.  A doctor doesn’t stop reading about diseases because he is out of medical school — so how can we ever expect to stop learning about leadership just because we took the course one time in our scout career.  By the time a scout is an Eagle, he should have had this training 4-5 times, and helped teach it at least once!